Research, development and innovation

At CBT we are aware of the significance of R&D+i in the company's production processes. Therefore, we work on and are part of numerous regional, national and European R&D projects in which we obtain and share knowledge that results in the creation of innovative products and services. In this sense we have been awarded several prizes such as the 2013 CONTACTLESS & MOBILE AWARD, the ITEA2 SILVER 2011 AWARD and the CELTIC GOLD 2012 AWARD, in the development of innovative projects.

Innovative solutions

R+D is the engine that drives the production processes at CBT both at international level and in our internal customer-oriented work. It allows us to be innovative and offer distinctive, unique solutions regarding more traditional products and services in the world of marketing and communications.

Added value

By implementing innovative solutions and products into our work, we generate a high level of added value in all services, so the client can boost the quality of their image and set themselves apart from others, generating a greater impact among the potential consumers of their products and services.

Technological innovation allows us to design and develop innovative, new products and substantially improve all our services and production processes thus increasing quality in all our work.